


酒店管理学位 management is ideal for students who seek to interact in multiple spaces in society, are open-minded to meeting diverse individuals, and possess a keen 渴望提供舒适和休闲为核心服务. 在这个项目中,学生 master a blend of professionalism, business, analytical skills, best practices in hospitality management, and diversity awareness to be prepared for today's challenging 市场. 酒店管理专业的学生学习:

  • 为消费者提供优质的客户服务.
  • Plan, organize and facilitate professional meetings and events.
  • 管理酒店行业的员工和业务.
  • Lead diverse groups of managers and staff in an inclusive environment.
  • Incorporate people-centered business strategies to achieve a successful and profitable business.
  • 管理酒店数据库和预算.


Hospitality is a multibillion-dollar industry, and skilled hospitality managers are 需求量大. The opportunities are endless -- hospitality managers work in a vast number of professions and places spanning hotels, restaurants, parks and recreation, travel and tourism, food service, health care nutrition, institutional services, retail, cruise ships, resorts, spas, wedding planning and catered events. 酒店管理学位 management prepares students to become leaders in countless industries!





The Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality 管理 program is designed to prepare students to be responsible and effective business executives in a diverse 不断变化的全球社会. 学生将:

  • 开发新产品.
  • 为现有品牌创造价值.
  • 管理数字营销渠道.
  • 管理社交媒体平台.
  • 优化付费搜索和自然搜索.
  • Measure and analyze both digital and social media campaigns.
  • Leverage advertising and public relations in online contexts.
  • 实践道德和负责任的营销策略.

Students in the Hospitality 管理 program will have the opportunity to gain valuable real-world licenses and certifications recognized worldwide in the hospitality industry. 证书由以下机构颁发:

  • 美国酒店住宿教育协会
  • 全国餐饮协会
  • 伊利诺伊州酒类管制委员会
  • 芝加哥公共卫生部
  • Introduction to Hospitality Industries (may be traded in after 6 months of employment for a position specific certification in the hotel industry)
  • ServSafe Food Service Managers Certification (with reciprocity to city of Chicago and other municipal area specific food service management licenses)
  • Food and Beverage Customer Service 管理 Certification
  • 前厅运营管理证书

We strive to engage with students beyond textbook learning and rote memorization. We focus on learning by doing through real-life learning experiences and incorporate 实习及专业行业认证. 所有酒店管理讲座 incorporate real-life case studies and situational discussions of what really happens in business, which affords individuals the ability to engage in real analysis and 解决问题. Students will also meet with industry professionals from various 酒店企业. In addition, students will have the opportunity to gain valuable certifications through organizations such as the 全国餐饮协会 and 美国酒店住宿教育协会.

While each course has a specific learning objective, the program is designed to provide students with the ability to graduate from 华人博彩论坛 with a competent skill set in relation to business as well as an ethical and moral compass. 毕业 as tomorrow's business professionals, our students will enter work environments and businesses equipped for succeeding in a challenging and diverse global economy environment.

Why should prospective students choose SXU for their degree?

  • The Hospitality 管理 program at SXU helps students gain the necessary skills to be career-ready for various areas of this advanced field.
  • Small class sizes allow for close interaction with professors and student colleagues.
  • Students will develop the habit of employing cognitive decision-making to strategically 解决问题.
  • Students will develop the habit of lifelong learning, ready to meet the demands of 一个具有挑战性的领域.
  • 华人博彩论坛’s core values of service, integrity, and excellence, critically important in hospitality management, support students' development as assets to their 雇主与社区.

SXU’s accelerated BBA+MBA Dual Degree program combines a four-year Bachelor of Business Administration and a two-year Master of Business Administration into a five-year program. Students complete 120 credit hours of undergraduate coursework and 30 credit hours 完成双学位的研究生课程 BBA +工商管理硕士学位. Students may take up to 12 credit hours of MBA coursework concurrent with their 大四期间的本科课程.

Students are encouraged to apply to the 4+1 program in their junior year. 验收后, students may register for courses at the graduate level with permission from the director of the 格雷厄姆管理学院 and the director of the MBA program. 工商管理学士学位 is awarded after successful completion of all undergraduate requirements. The MBA degree is awarded upon successful completion of the graduate requirements.

欲了解更多信息,请与GSM主任联系 ghoshFREESXU 安排一个约会.


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Want to know more about graduate programs at 华人博彩论坛? 请填 拿出下面的表格!





Earn your general BBA degree or choose one of the eight other majors within the Bachelor 工商管理专业. 在四年或短短三年内完成.





Joy encourages current students to maintain a portfolio while they are students to 帮助他们在申请工作时展示自己的技能.